i've been around a while....


uni student

Curtin University


Joined on 11/18/05

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4,082 / 4,440
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dooseyboy's News

Posted by dooseyboy - April 1st, 2009

OMG i just realised that this whole chinese thing MUST be an april fools joke.
i hate that, cuz i pmed wadefulp complaining about it with shit like
: what? no more open mindedness and stuff.
remember that time they "partnered up" with some randomn dickshit website??
its just like that except with the chinese.
also if try to write the F word fuck, it comes up with "revoloutionize" and also if you say fucks (plural of the F-word) it says citezens.
go to one of chinese fuck's accounts and try it, i did it to ping-pong-lu and it did it.
also i love the new chatroom, except that it has gook bots (gook is derogitory term for asian)
i'm gonna try and translate it.
i'll put it below.

Posted by dooseyboy - October 4th, 2008

well heres the site and i think this ones promising!
as some may know i have been trying to find a domain to host my stuff.
and i think this may be it!
please check it out and if you also use freewebs go to the forum and have a look

Posted by dooseyboy - August 7th, 2008

Posted by dooseyboy - April 21st, 2008

well im alex and i thought i'd write a general "all me" on ng and will mention things like how i vote on your flash and such and my kind of style also under my video will be my news posts because i want to keep this here....

====yay ng unlocked at school!!=====
im pretty glad because now i can do my daily 5 and get my levels up. the only problem is that i cant view other peoples profiles... or mine...... :(

===the NewGroundsTown===
i started the idea for an awesome collab here is what i put in the post
well the name says it all. what you have to do is make a sprite building give it a name and write it a profile then i will put it all together and make it into NewGroundsTown.
the way it will work is that you make a picture of a buildingas detailed as you want BUT it has to fit on one block (the one below) if you want you can make it bigger but i would prefer it to be this big.
any kind of building is allowed i repeat anything!
use your imagination, let it go wild.
i will accept only 5 largened objects ie: penis buildings, tankmen, etc.
when you make buildings write up a profile about the building such as who made it (you, that means your username) what happens in the building and who/what lives there, what is in the building and what it does
maker: dooseyboy
building name: giant cock
who lives there?: leeroy jenkins and his 72 virgins
what happens there?: a lot of gay shit and screaming
description of building: a large penis shaped building with steam coming out the top......
also feel free to make a NG HQ building incase someone at the real hq does want to make it.
also fine detail is encouraged and appreciated but if you are lazy and want a quick mention in something then i dont care. there is limitless space but i wont go too far over board.
if anyone wants too help with programming please i beg you to approach me as the only real thing i will do is placement and profiles... someone with coding experience would be greatly appreciated.
now last but not least everything MUST!!!!! be emailed to me IT MUST be emailed it is CRUCIAL that you do this including the profile your user and such my email is in my profile but if you are laxy here it is: dooseyboy411@hotmail.com i REPEAT dooseyboy411@hotmail.com please add as msn aswell but still chat and such here swap ideas i will comunicate to you through email or ng pms
please enjoy

http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/2/16164000/n gbbs481346f894362.gif <<picture

==="coming home" video===
if you want in pm me......

===upcoming projects?===
none at the moment

about me
well im alexander rodenburg and i live in karratha WA but board in guildford WA Australia and so thats where i produce my animations at school!
i was born in Victoria which is a state in Australia and it is the BOMB!! and i miss her so much.
please comment and tell me what other stuff i should put here
i found newgrounds.com from a friend who thought i would like the xiao xiao and i did so i looked around the site and i used the site for about a year and then i made a user and have been dooseyboy for about 3 years on just about all games memberships clubs and emails. "but sir how did you come up with such an awsome name?" well timmy i decided that i was a prety damned good guy in fact i thought i was a real doozey of a guy so i changed the z to s and added boy to get the most original username ever.my style of animation is very not good at the moment but when i figure out how to make onion skin i will start making more noir type movies but at the moment i will continue to use simple tweens and commands such as stop go and buttons look out for more stef!

----How I Vote----
ell first on the quality of animation so this includes things like smooth tweens and the graphic quality which includes the shapes and the use of 3d things anything as good or better than mine is good but any worse i vote lower.

Also sound(if any) if its a song off ng then i probably wont vote you down as it isnt your fault its shitty quality but it may help you, if its voice then marks will be put down if its bad qualtiy or scratchy unless its ur first time using voice or its supposed to be that to give a certain effect.

For things like hentai slide shows i mark down for using the flash template unless customised because it may look better.

Story is a big factor in most movies things like the metal gear awesome stuff it has a funny story but doesnt have extremely good graphics but its funny....

Mood manipulation this is given a plus when it manipulates the viewers emotions and mood while watching much like in the pianist or something like that it makes ou feel sad and then yeah.... if it lacks in this then you may lose or gain a vote.

Also i may use the 5 point mark down/up thing (until the staff change to the thumbs up/thumbs down system) in which you lose/gain 1 point for every element in you flash
1: quality of sound
2: quality of graphics
3: story
4: mood changing (sad happy angry or a good point)
5: the point being made (usually lost)

my youtube channel!
yes thats right the one and only DOOSEYCHANNEL!!!!!!.....

/* */

Posted by dooseyboy - March 21st, 2008

red door (21/03/08) (alive)
stef the clown-man! (21/03/08)(alive)
i like your pants (13/4/08) (alive)

there are others but they were crap.....

EDIT: if you want to comment please comment on the actual flash on the list above

Posted by dooseyboy - December 6th, 2007

am dissapointed with not getting an award all year

i mean whats a guy gotta do i got double a in computing yet i dont get one of those TE badges i do realise im new to guildoford and all.

why wasnt i shown the science technology thing was even happening...

i couldnt ask because i didnt know who to ask. do now have things to work towards bow and im going to try and apply myself to as many things as possible including the science technology TOM's again, and senior drama "blood brothers" which is a musical, i also want to join the school choir and any other music thing i can (that doesnt cost me 200 bucks like music lessons) with my voice.

NOTE: the blood brothers musical is professional stuff so it will be good too do

moving on

tonight was the awards night which i didnt want to go to because i knew i wasnt getting anything so why bother you know ...

i was saying something tonight about why i didnt get an award and it was that"for the first time in 2 - 3 years ive been surrounded by people who are smarter than me and im used to being the only person who knows anything about anything but not any more as it seems tonight toby nutall was going on about werewolves in "3rd dimension" or something or other but all a werewolf is is the stories of olden day folk when people had rabies and rabies caused the peoples gums to shrink giving the look of fangs (this also theory behind vampires) and then other factors of rabies caused the behaviour of going 'round killing people and such...

its so simple and iread this out of a bok at a catholic school

now let me rant on about how i actually got here...

well it all started when dad was doing fly in fly out from melbourne (victoria) to perth to karratha really long journey and melbourne was making my parents sick so we moved to karratha and anyone who knows me well enough will know that when we moved i was in the middle of the greatest year ay boy or girl could have. it was year 6 media year.... we learnt about all 3 mediums including nswspaper T.V and radio and not only that but i was offered a SOLO PART in my house (helicon) choir. it was the greatest time for me but it all got shitted up i had to move to karratha crappy little town (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karratha ) so yeah it wasnt too bad (not really) its hot boring and stinky. first thing we did was drive into karratha and go to the caltex do somethign then go to the local motel/hotel house thing it was nice there we got some free foxtel aswell then school camp....strsaight away the principle came to our room in the hotel thing and gave us camp shirts(they were blue eeww) and we went....it was a good camp and once my bro and i got over the fact that we are in a new place and that we know absaloutley no one we got along fine with the other kids ... well i did after the camp there was term 3 and 4 and then high school (YAY...........not) high school was ....eventful alot of shitty kids some whoes and "gangsta's" (aboriginal kids) and it was fun but crap at the same time i was one of the "smart" kids i concentrated in class hanged out with the "cool kids" i was liked etc i hated it there i like my freinds there but some kids i just wnated to smash their heads into a wall and like dance on their grave thats how bad it was there.

then one day mum says "hey this guildford place looks alright you going there to board" (not real quotes just what everything she said over maybe 4 months.....) so we came down one term holiday and check the school out i liked it i knew id be around people i could talk to about smart stuff instead of skate boards and wiether or not kelly slater (surfer) was a guy or a chick etc you know talking about i dunno religions and conspiracies and stuff instead of dumb karratha shit. and i have had the most interesting conversations while being at guildoford this year and i am coming back next year.

ok thats enough ranting i will try and get some pics of my hellishly long drive from karratha to somewhere south and back lol

Posted by dooseyboy - October 15th, 2007

yeah this is my '07 year book copy this below and fill it out

real name:
a quote:

heres mine
alias: dooseyboy
real name: alexander
a quote: lllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

be sure to click
on all news post
to see other stuff

Posted by dooseyboy - October 11th, 2007

even though zendra banned me (read below) i still challenge the people to my mechquest challenge
put a screenshot on www.NGup.net and put a link in the comments

i still challenge you

Posted by dooseyboy - October 6th, 2007

say noob right here!!!!!.....


Posted by dooseyboy - October 5th, 2007

user erect-vagina and co have been making a huge waste of space with their " the truth about <enter random saomething here>" movies
thet just recently submitted maybe ten new ones
we must eliminate all of these movies so just take out 2 minutes of your NG time maybe the time between after making the post that you saw the link too this or maybe just looking through random accounts just stop for a minute and take down most of these movies they are a waste of NG's space
also take a look at them they are made by more then 4 people its quite pathetic as those others probably did nothing and just one of those peoples freind and so they get points for the flash even though they didnt do anything.
sao go forth my fellows vote 0 on these shit submissions rid newgrounds of this crap