i've been around a while....


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Curtin University


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my thoughts on my school year

Posted by dooseyboy - December 6th, 2007

am dissapointed with not getting an award all year

i mean whats a guy gotta do i got double a in computing yet i dont get one of those TE badges i do realise im new to guildoford and all.

why wasnt i shown the science technology thing was even happening...

i couldnt ask because i didnt know who to ask. do now have things to work towards bow and im going to try and apply myself to as many things as possible including the science technology TOM's again, and senior drama "blood brothers" which is a musical, i also want to join the school choir and any other music thing i can (that doesnt cost me 200 bucks like music lessons) with my voice.

NOTE: the blood brothers musical is professional stuff so it will be good too do

moving on

tonight was the awards night which i didnt want to go to because i knew i wasnt getting anything so why bother you know ...

i was saying something tonight about why i didnt get an award and it was that"for the first time in 2 - 3 years ive been surrounded by people who are smarter than me and im used to being the only person who knows anything about anything but not any more as it seems tonight toby nutall was going on about werewolves in "3rd dimension" or something or other but all a werewolf is is the stories of olden day folk when people had rabies and rabies caused the peoples gums to shrink giving the look of fangs (this also theory behind vampires) and then other factors of rabies caused the behaviour of going 'round killing people and such...

its so simple and iread this out of a bok at a catholic school

now let me rant on about how i actually got here...

well it all started when dad was doing fly in fly out from melbourne (victoria) to perth to karratha really long journey and melbourne was making my parents sick so we moved to karratha and anyone who knows me well enough will know that when we moved i was in the middle of the greatest year ay boy or girl could have. it was year 6 media year.... we learnt about all 3 mediums including nswspaper T.V and radio and not only that but i was offered a SOLO PART in my house (helicon) choir. it was the greatest time for me but it all got shitted up i had to move to karratha crappy little town (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karratha ) so yeah it wasnt too bad (not really) its hot boring and stinky. first thing we did was drive into karratha and go to the caltex do somethign then go to the local motel/hotel house thing it was nice there we got some free foxtel aswell then school camp....strsaight away the principle came to our room in the hotel thing and gave us camp shirts(they were blue eeww) and we went....it was a good camp and once my bro and i got over the fact that we are in a new place and that we know absaloutley no one we got along fine with the other kids ... well i did after the camp there was term 3 and 4 and then high school (YAY...........not) high school was ....eventful alot of shitty kids some whoes and "gangsta's" (aboriginal kids) and it was fun but crap at the same time i was one of the "smart" kids i concentrated in class hanged out with the "cool kids" i was liked etc i hated it there i like my freinds there but some kids i just wnated to smash their heads into a wall and like dance on their grave thats how bad it was there.

then one day mum says "hey this guildford place looks alright you going there to board" (not real quotes just what everything she said over maybe 4 months.....) so we came down one term holiday and check the school out i liked it i knew id be around people i could talk to about smart stuff instead of skate boards and wiether or not kelly slater (surfer) was a guy or a chick etc you know talking about i dunno religions and conspiracies and stuff instead of dumb karratha shit. and i have had the most interesting conversations while being at guildoford this year and i am coming back next year.

ok thats enough ranting i will try and get some pics of my hellishly long drive from karratha to somewhere south and back lol


WOW Your Verry Cute


How can I become admin?

admin of what??


me or dusty gorrila??

lulz wanna be my bf?

hhhmm let me think.... no
: 16, male


you are babby face LOLZ!

yeah i know mum said
"you know you will always look like a 5 year old..."
its a total chick magnet