OMG i just realised that this whole chinese thing MUST be an april fools joke.
i hate that, cuz i pmed wadefulp complaining about it with shit like
: what? no more open mindedness and stuff.
remember that time they "partnered up" with some randomn dickshit website??
its just like that except with the chinese.
also if try to write the F word fuck, it comes up with "revoloutionize" and also if you say fucks (plural of the F-word) it says citezens.
go to one of chinese fuck's accounts and try it, i did it to ping-pong-lu and it did it.
also i love the new chatroom, except that it has gook bots (gook is derogitory term for asian)
i'm gonna try and translate it.
i'll put it below.
no way... i wouldn't imagine what day was today, thanx...